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Going Back

Auteur(s)Collins, Phil (Chant)

Titre(s)Going Back / Phil Collins.

Editeur(s)Atlantic Records, 2010.

ContientGirl (Why you wanna make me blue). - (Love is like a) Heatwave. - Uptight (Everything's alright). - Some of your lovin'. - In my lonely room. - Take me in your arms (Rock me for a little while). - Blame it on the sun. - Papa was a Rolling Stone. - Never dreamed you'd leave in summer. - Standing in the shadows of love. - Do i love you. - Jimmy mack. - Something about you. - Love is here and now you're gone. - Loving you is sweeter than ever. - Going to a go-go. - Talkin about my baby. - Going back.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2 COLen rayon
CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque2 COLen rayon


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