
loire semene 300


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As time goes by...

Auteur(s)Stewart, Rod (1945-...) (Chant)

Titre(s)As time goes by... / Rod Stewart.

Editeur(s)BMG, 2003.

ContientTime after time. - I'm in the mood for love. - Don't get around much anymore. - Bewitched, bothered & bewildered. - 'till there was you. - Until the real thing comes along. - Where or when. - Smile. - My heart stood still. - Someone to watch over me. - As time goes by. - I only have eyes for you. - Crazy she calls me. - Our love is there to stay.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2 STEen rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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