
loire semene 300


Réseau des bibliothèques de Loire Semène


Auteur(s)Cranberries (The)


Editeur(s)The Island Def Jam Music Group, P 2002.

ContientDreams. - Linger. - Zombie. - Ode to my family. - I can't be with you. - Ridiculous thoughts. - Salvation. - Free to décide. - When you're gone. - Hollywood. - Promises. - Animal instinct. - Just my imagination. - You & me. - Analyse. - Time is ticking out. - This is the day. - Daffodil lament. - New New York. - Stars.

NotesThe best of 1992 - 2002.

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AperçuBib. d'origineSectionCoteSituationDate retour
CDSaint Didier en VelayDiscothèque2. CRAen rayon
CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque2. THEen rayon
CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque2 CRAen rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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