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Peaky blinders

Auteur(s)Cave, Nick (1957-...) ;Phipps, Martin ;Auerbach, Dan ;White, Jack (1975-...) ;Harvey, PJ (1969-...) ;Black Rebel Motorcycle ;Hartnoll, Paul ;Marling, Laura ;Hinchcliffe, Dickon ;Bowie, David (1947-2016) ;Unthank, Rachel ;Genn, Anthony ;Slattery, Martin ;Calvi, Anna ;Beth, Jehnny ;Hawley, Richard (1967-...) ;Bad Seeds (The) ;White Stripes (The) ;Royal Blood ;Arctic Monkeys ;Radiohead ;Queens of The Stone Age ;Last Shadow Puppets (The) ;Savages ;Winterset (The) ;Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes ;Foals ;Black Sabbath ;Joy Division ;Idles

Titre(s)Peaky blinders [CD] : B.O. de la série de Steven Knight.

Editeur(s)Paris : Universal Music, 2019.

ContientTommy : 'it's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby...', dialogue. - Red right hand. - St James infirmary blues. - Truce. - Tommy : 'right is the day we become respectable.', dialogue. - Prowl (The). - Polly : 'there's only one thing...', dialogue. - Love is blindness. - To bring you my love. - Alfie : 'I've heard very bad... things about you...', dialogue. - River Styx. - Post irish meeting. - Red right hand. - What he wrote. - Arthur : ' order of the Peaky Blinders', dialogue. - Come on over. - Do I wanna know ?. - Tommy : 'I love you. and I promise, I'll make us safe', dialogue. - Breathless. - You and whose army ?. - Polly : 'A woman of substance and class', dialogue. - This is love. - Sons. - Tommy : 'You can change what you do...', dialogue. - Burn the witch. - Bad habits. - Lazarus. - Tommy : 'Sex, freedom, whiskey sours : which one should...', dialogue. - Adore. - Mercy seat (The). - I wish. - Ballad of Polly Gray. - Tommy : 'I'm not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example...', dialogue. - Devil inside me. - Snake oil. - Polly : 'It's in our gypsy blood...', dialogue. - Pyramid song. - A hard rain's a gonna fall. - Ada : 'So, Tommy Shelby, Mp. business as usual.', dialogue. - Wizard (The). - Papi pacify. - Atmosphere. - Tommy : 'You need to understand that the corridors of Westminster are very dimly lit...', dialogue. - You're not god. - Arthur : 'There's a Bentley outside, engine running...', dialogue. - I'm the man. - Never fight a man with a perm. - Tommy : 'I will continue, until I find the man I can't defeat', dialogue. - Ballad of a thin man.

RésuméLa série à succès de Steven Knight "Peaky Blinders", portée par Cillian Murphy, Sam Neill, Helen McCrory ou encore Annabelle Wallis dévoile enfin sa bande originale. Affichant une sélection musicale ultra pointue, la série événement fait la part belle aux grands noms du rock indé : PJ Harvey, Dan Auerbach, Arctic Monkey et bien sûr Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds participent de l'atmosphère si particulière, propre à la série.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)

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CDAurec sur LoireDiscothèque6 PEA 1en rayon


Source : Wikipédia
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