The best of both worlds


Auteur(s)R. Kelly (1969-...) (Chant) ;Jay-Z (1969-...) (Chant)

Titre(s)The best of both worlds / R. Kelly, Jay-Z.

Editeur(s)The Island DEF Jam Music Group, 2002.

ContientThe best of both worlds. - Take you home with me A.K.A. body. - Break up to make up. - It ain't personal. - The streets. - Green light feat. Beanie Sigel. - Naked. - Shake ya body feat. Lil' Kim. - Somebody's girl. - Get this money. - Shorty. - Honey. - P***Y feat. Devin the Dude.

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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CDSaint Just malmontDiscothèque1.4 Ren rayon


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